Pursuant to paragraph 702.22(2)(a) of the Canadian Aviation Regulations (CARs), and after taking into account that the authorization is in the public interest and is not likely to affect aviation safety, for the purposes of paragraph 602.15(2)(a) of the CARs, I hereby authorize Miccar Enterprises Ltd, P.O. Box 90, Canora, SK S0A 0L0, to operate at altitudes other than those specified in paragraph 602.14(2)(a) of the CARs, subject to the conditions that follow. Details of paragraph 702.22(2)(a), 602.15(2)(a) and subparagraph 602.14(2)(a)(i) of the CARs are found in Appendix A to this exemption.


The purpose of this authorization is to allow Miccar Enterprises Ltd. to conduct aerial application of an insecticide (Malathion 95 ULV). The area to be sprayed will be the areas of the Hamlet of Crystal Lake Saskatchewan, as depicted in the maps and description of events submitted to this office and dated July 13, 2005.


This authorization is subject to the description of events in the Miccar Enterprises Ltd. aerial work zone plans dated 21 June 2005, and applies to C-GGRY, a C-188, C-GPNG an Ayres S-2R and C-FSPD an AT401 aircraft when operated by Miccar Enterprises Ltd. operations under Air Operator Certificate Number 8846.


This authorization is subject to the following conditions:

  1. Flights shall be carried out under Day/VFR conditions;
  2. Flights shall not occur over persons, or dwellings, buildings or vehicles occupied by persons;
  3. No person, other than crew members essential to the operation shall be on board the aircraft at any time;
  4.  Flights shall be operated at such altitudes, airspeeds and flight paths that will permit a landing without creating a hazard to persons or property on the surface of the earth in the event of an emergency;
  5. The Rural Municipality of Keys No. 303, as the administration office for the Hamlet of Crystal Lake shall be notified prior to, and with sufficient time, for any action as the Municipality may. require, to ensure the safety or health of persons or property in the area if any operations involve flight paths that are directly over any building or vehicle;
  6. The Rural Municipality of Keys No. 303, as the administration office for the Hamlet of Crystal Lake shall be notified prior to, and with sufficient time, should the Municipality deem it is necessary to ensure the safety or health of persons or property, to prevent any person from entering the aerial work zone while application operations are occurring;
  7.  Local police and fire departments shall be notified of the nature and dates and times of the operations prior to commencement of operations;
  8. The Acting Superintendent, Flight Operations – Fixed Wing, Prairie and Northern Region shall be notified in advance of any operations by telephone at 204-983-1420 or by fax at 204-983-1734 or by e-mail to
  9. A copy of this authorization shall be carried on board the aircraft during aerial work operations;
  10. Miccar Enterprises Ltd. shall comply with paragraph 702.22(2)(b) of the CARs.


This authorization is in effect until the earliest of the following:

  1. 23:59 CST on 30 October 2005;
  2. the date on which any condition set out in this authorization is breached or;
  3. the date on which this authorization is canceled in writing by the Minister where he is of the opinion that it is no longer in the public interest or is likely to affect aviation safety.

Dated at Winnipeg, Manitoba, this 15th day of July 2005 on behalf of the Minister of Transport.
Yours truly,

Original signed by

J. Robinson
Acting Superintendent
Flight Operations – Fixed Wing Commercial and Business Aviation Prairie and Northern Region
for Minister of Transport


Built-up Area and Aerial Work Zone

702.22(2) For the purposes of paragraph 602.15(2)(a), a person may operate an aircraft over a built-up area at altitudes and distances less than those specified in paragraph , 602.14(2)(a), if the person

  1. has an authorization from the Minister or is authorized to do so in an air operator certificate; and
  2. complies with the Commercial Air Service Standards.

Permissible Low Altitude Flight

602.15(2) A person may operate an aircraft, to the extent necessary for the purpose of the operation in which the aircraft is engaged, at altitudes and distances less than those set out in

  1. Paragraph 602.14(2)(a), where operation of the aircraft is authorized under Subpart 3 or section 702.22; or...

Minimum Altitudes and Distances

602.14(2) Except where conducting a take-off, approach or landing or where permitted under section 602.15, no person shall operate an aircraft

  1. over a built-up area or over an open-air assembly of persons unless the aircraft is operated at an altitude from which, in the event of an emergency necessitating an immediate landing, it would be possible to land the aircraft without creating a hazard to persons or property on the surface, and, in any case, at an altitude that is not lower than
    1. for aeroplanes, 1,000 feet above the highest obstacle located within a horizontal distance of 2,000 feet from the aeroplane,...
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